Neverseen (book 4)

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SPOILER ALERT! The following page contains spoilers from Keeper through Flashback.


Her closest friends from the Lost Cities have gone with her to join the Black Swan. They still have doubts about the shadowy organization, but the only way to find answers is to start working with them. And as they settle into their new lives, they uncover secrets far bigger than anything they’d imagined.

But their enemies are far from done, and unleash a terrifying plague that threatens the safety of an entire species. Sophie and her friends fight with everything they have—with new allies joining them—but every choice has consequences. And trusting the wrong person could prove deadly.

In this game-changing fourth book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series, Sophie must question everything to find a truth that will either save her world—or shatter it.

What do we think?

Neverseen has always fought for top spot in my Keeper rankings. I can never get enough of the Black Swan. In Neverseen, the Black Swan is such an unknown, I just can’t help but love Mr. Forkle’s snarky comments and Keefe’s jokes. I think the real killer is when- at the end of the book- Keefe had that heartbreaking moment with Sophie where he pulls one of my favorite quotes, “I can’t pretend I’m who you want me to be anymore.”  This moment broke my heart the first time, and it continues to break it time and time again. Not to mention Calla’s panakes tree. I cried twice in this book, and that was one of those times. I think we take Calla’s sacrifice for granted. It’s not easy for us to understand because if you are reading this right now you haven’t died before, you (and I) don’t know what it feels like to die. But some of us have gone through loss, some of us know how hard it is to lose someone you love. I would hate to cause anyone this pain, much less to everyone I love. On a lighter note, I adore Exillium and I wish we could’ve seen more of this. Overall, I just love the emotional roller coaster that is Neverseen. I would love to hear from you what you think about Neverseen, so comment below and we’ll try our best to get back to you.

~Kate McKinley

Y’all…Neverseen is so good! It is by far one of my favorites and is the perfect way to start the second trilogy. We get a good feel for each of the friends and their personalities which were potentially shadowed in books previous. This is the book where Keefe became my favorite character, his humor amused me, his kindness towards Sophie warmed my heart, and his mom’s betrayal made me have sympathy for him. I love the Black Swan and Aluveterre had me jealous…treehouses and Calla’s starkflower stew, count me in! I enjoyed getting to meet the twins and getting a good picture of Exillium. I thought it was great to see Exillium and see our favorite heroes experience the dreaded school. My heart broke when Keefe joined the Neverseen and Calla sacrificed herself to become a Panakes tree. This book makes me cry everytime, and prepares us for a intense ride in the second trilogy. Overall, I LOVE Neverseen and all of its glory! Let us know what you think!!

~Kylee Cockerham