Lodestar (book 5)

Image result for keeper of the lost cities lodestar

SPOILER ALERT! The following page contains spoilers from Keeper through Flashback.


Sophie Foster is back in the Lost Cities–but the Lost Cities have changed. The threat of war hangs heavy over her glittering world, and the Neverseen are wreaking havoc.

The lines between friend and enemy have blurred, and Sophie is unsure whom to trust. But when she’s warned that the people she loves most will be the next victims, she knows she has to act.

A mysterious symbol could be the key–if only she knew how to translate it. Every new clue seems to lead deeper into her world’s underbelly and the Black Swan aren’t the only ones who have plans. The Neverseen have their own Initiative, and if Sophie doesn’t stop it, they might finally have the ultimate means to control her.


Personally, I really enjoy Lodestar! I think it is a nice follow up to the action packed Neverseen as it contains much more downtime and just trying to figure everything out. I really enjoyed seeing the strain on relationships in this book as Sophie still trusts Keefe but the rest of her friends are pretty much disgusted with the idea of becoming friends with Keefe again. Also the nightime check-ins were both adorable and informative; we really got to see what it was like to be a Neverseen member in-training. Although this book contained more Fitzphie moments including the “under the Panakes tree” moment, I thought it was needed as if you are going to create a love triangle you gotta give the opposing ship some moments. I found the banter between Grizel and Sandor very entertaining. But the ending was both gut-wrenching and heartwarming. When I originally read the book (and every other time after) I giggle, squeal, and cheer when Keefe returns to Sophie and rescues her and Edaline. (I am smiling just thinking about the line, “I am leaving the Neverseen. Tonight”) *butterflies* But also without fail I cry at the loss of Mr. Forkle, his death was necessary but absolutely heartbreaking.  “Take care of my moonlark.” OH MY GOSH THE TEARS ARE COMING!! Overall, I loved Lodestar’s tension, tests of friendship, and the way it sets up Nightfall! Let us know what you think!!

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Lodestar has always been one of my favorites! I really can’t judge anything in the second trilogy (books 4-6), however I’ve always seen Lodestar as a bridge book, more philosophy than action. I can’t deny that the Peace Summit is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. Not to mention the “leaving the Neverseen” comment by the one and only Keefe. Words do not describe the fangirl feels that coursed through me when I read that line. I’m not sure weather I screamed or cried, but you get the point. I find that Lodestar often gets hidden behind the action in both Neverseen and Nightfall and is often taken for granted. There’s nothing more I can really say that hasn’t been brilliantly illistrated by my partner in crime, Kylee (love you girl) Overall, Lodestar is a fabulous book, and fans should take a bit more notice of this outstanding addition to the Keeper series!

~Kate McKinley