Legacy (book 8)

(SPOILER ALERT:This page contains spoilers for books 1-8)


Sophie Foster wants answers. But after a lifetime of lies, sometimes the truth is the most dangerous discovery. Even the smallest secret comes with terrifying new responsibilities.

And Sophie’s not the only one with blank spots in her past, or mysteries surrounding her family. She and her friends are part of something much bigger than they imagined—and their roles have already been chosen for them.

Every clue drags them deeper into the conspiracy. Every memory forces them to question everything—especially one another. And the harder they fight, the more the lines blur between friend and enemy.

What do we think?

Oh. My. Gosh. I loved Legacy! I was quite nervous coming off of Flashback, however, in most categories Legacy does not disappoint. First of all, the humor in this book was amazing. Ro has quickly claimed the spot as my favorite character, and pretty much every snarky comment that leaves her mouth in this book is spot on. Keefe Sencen and the E. L. Fudge cookies…arguably one of the best scenes EVER. Secondly, the action in this book is very well done, not too much, not too little. The perfect amount. I thought it was really interesting how some of the Keeper crew became Regents. Particularly, the fact that they were side characters that we saw little to no of in Flashback. I personally loved when they went to London and I would go as far as to say, I wish they spent more time in London. Okay guys, biological parents…woah. I was fascinated with the fact that Oralie was her mother and I definitely hope we find out more about how that happened in book 9. Not going to lie, while reading Legacy I was so happy that we actually found out information. Like Maruca is a PSIONIPATH????!!!!! Woah. I am going to go ahead and get into the ships because guys…the tea. OH MY GOSH SOPHITZ BROKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kate and I had thought this would happen but I could not be happier about it. I do think with opinions aside that this was the right choice because Fitz was a really jealous and angry boyfriend. The fact that Sophie was scared to tell Fitz stuff because of the way she thought he would react is the start to no healthy relationship. And despite my allegiance to Sokeefe, I am very happy that the two decided to stay friends because I think that their friendship is really sweet. I know what the Sophitz shippers are thinking, Sophie said they would stay friends for now. Well, Shannon does have another book to write but the chances of her getting them back together is slim to none, as Shannon deliberately tried to antagonize Fitz and make him look like a bad boyfriend. With Shannon being Team Sophie, I doubt she would her girl back into that unhealthy relationship. The Sokeefe in this book was legitimately heavenly and adorable. Like the swinging scene. And the first 200 pages. Like their chemistry is so apparent. C’mon Sophie the oblivious, take a hint. #RoisthebiggestSokeefeshipperofusall I was pretty sad that Keefe was hurt towards of the end of the book. 😦 Poor baby. Overall, I loved Legacy and it is probably in my top 3 favorites of Keeper! Let us know what you think!!

-Kylee Cockerham