The Sorting Hat Meets Keeper of the Lost Cities! Part 4

Welcome back! We are wrapping up this series and it has been fun! We are concluding with the Slytherins! I love Slytherins! I think they have a bad reputation in the Harry Potter series but are all in all great leaders and people! Let's check it out! People would be defined as a Slytherin if … Continue reading The Sorting Hat Meets Keeper of the Lost Cities! Part 4

The Sorting Hat Meets Keeper of the Lost Cities! Part 3

Hello all! Today it is time for the Hufflepuffs to shine! I feel like the Hufflepuffs can be slightly misunderstood but lets be real, what would we do without them? I think it is the perfect mix of all the houses that makes this cast of characters so lovable. Without further ado, onto the puffs! … Continue reading The Sorting Hat Meets Keeper of the Lost Cities! Part 3

The Sorting Hat Meets Keeper of the Lost Cities! Part 2

Hey everybody! I hope you are doing well! Today, we will be discussing the Keeper of the Lost Cities Ravenclaws! My personal Hogwarts house! Let us know if you agree with our sorting! Ravenclaws are known for their cleverness, love for learning, wisdom, and wit. Dex Dizznee I feel like this one is a no-brainer. … Continue reading The Sorting Hat Meets Keeper of the Lost Cities! Part 2

We’re Re-Reading Keeper of the Lost Cities, So You Don’t Have To ;) Part 7!!!

*sigh* Flashback. I did it. I re-read Flashback. Okay so it wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be, however, it is still my least favorite book. I already said this in my review of it but the Sophitz was just so forced. I think I was so caught up in the … Continue reading We’re Re-Reading Keeper of the Lost Cities, So You Don’t Have To 😉 Part 7!!!